Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Background for all 'law' pages in America...rollover & links will animate the page.

Front Page..

Interaction point: Stamps corresponding to the continents page.

For Joao

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008



Background of singapore: YEs or no.

Ive lightened up the background of the animation to ensure the stick man, toilet and typography stands out in its simple and bold form. But not sure about the image.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stickman and typography :)

These designs are created on Photoshop animation frames, each section will be planned carefully and to make things easier, starting of with the 'ending' and work my way to the 'beginning' of the story, where I have found this much easier to create. The designs will then be placed in correct order.
In these designs, I have used letter forms to represent objects, such as the letter 'b' as the shape of the toilet and letters as the waste.

Design sheets

These designs are the style that we are going for, and it involves interesting typography and simple illustration. These combination will work well together and most importantly the design will bring across the message to the audience easily, about the law in different countries. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Joao Joao..

How are your travels? We have just been discussing how to distinguish each of the sections from each other so we were you want to have control over one of the sections? You can do whatever you want in regards to one of the laws. But it just needs to have a smooth transition from the paper plane. If you think of some ideas for your part then we can always work out the logistics on thurs when we have all the parts together. See you on Thursday...Rochanne & Jeanette xxx

Thursday, October 30, 2008